27 Weeks



One more week down and SO close to our 28 week goal! We had our growth ultrasound this week and baby has gone from the 60th percentile down to the 12th percentile, only gaining 3oz in the past two weeks. The doctors are not overly concerned at the moment because ultrasound is not 100% accurate and measurements can vary based on how baby is moving or their position. That being said, intrauterine growth restriction, or IUGR, is a concern with PPROM and would be another reason for baby to come sooner than later. Because of this possibility the doctors are keeping an eye on growth at our next ultrasound to determine if this delay in growth was just a fluke or if it appears to be a pattern.

I was also diagnosed with gestational hypertension this week. That is just a fancy term for pregnancy high blood pressure. IUGR is also a concern with hypertension because it can keep my placenta from getting the blood flow and nutrients that it needs to properly supply baby. I feel great and baby looks good, and doctors are keeping an eye on each of these minor concerns to be sure they aren’t adding up to one larger issue. In the event my placenta is not functioning as it should. and baby is not progressing as they should, the doctors would discuss inducing me so that baby can get the care and nutrients out here that they are not getting from me if I stay pregnant. So fingers crossed these are a couple little flukes and we can see some growth from baby over the next week!

Lastly, I have been here now for 38 days and hopefully only have 36 days left but possibly 50 days left (if we can make it to 34)! I will definitely be here through Thanksgiving, and most likely will be here for Christmas too. It is not ideal, BUT, if I am still here at Christmas that means that baby and me are staying healthy enough to make it to a 34 week induction date and the doctors say that would be miraculous to have made it that far given where we started. We are plugging away one day at a time and we are definitely getting there! We have come a long way already but still have a ways to go <3


28 Weeks


25 Weeks