29 + 2



Monday was here and we headed in for what would be our fifth ultrasound in the past eight days. It became quickly apparent that the dopplers were not looking any better than they had in the past few ultrasounds. One new development today, however, showed that baby had signs of being anemic. When a baby in utero is anemic they have the option of doing an in-utero blood transfusion. This is n incredibly invasive procedure that involves shoving a huge needle through layers of skin and protective baby layers, and sticking it into baby. We decided early on these in-utero procedures (including any DNA testing or other tests that included needles being poked into the unborn baby) were not something we were ever going to be interested in.

At this stage our doctors reiterated that I should be monitored from the hospital, and baby is seeming to be a bit more at risk than our previous appointment. They recommend that I take the second round of steroids and plan to come back on Wednesday for another NST and ultrasound. We also did a blood panel as a form of less invasive measures of checking for fetal anemia that did not consist of a blood transfusion. Our doctor recommended we do the blood work, see how it comes back, and plan to do the transfusion at our next appointment Wednesday. We opted out of the transfusion and decided if baby was in bad enough condition to be offering in utero treatments, it may be time to talk about having baby sooner than later.


29 + 4 Weeks


29 Weeks